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XXIO MP1200 第十二代 男士發球木桿 翱翔天空 恣意飛行~搭載飛行翅膀的XXIO誕生 ~ XXIO獨家技術 擁有飛行距離性能和全揮桿的安心感 擊出大幅飛行距離和方向穩定的開球木桿。 採用空氣力學的技術和絕佳的反彈性能擊出最大的初速。 創新的雙重技術,採用空氣力學的概念所搭載更易擊中甜蜜點的的「ActiveWing」。 和桿面擊球時產生最大的能量「REBOUND FRAME」設計。 XXIO 引用創新技術「WEIGHT PLUS」Technology(握把配重技術),揮桿時將球桿引導至Power position(最佳上桿頂點),順勢上桿就能蓄積力量,使桿頭加速,產生爆發的擊球瞬間。 桿頭材質/桿面:鈦(Super-TIXⓇ 51AF) 本體:Ti-811 Plus 桿頭製法/桿面:鍛造 本體:真空精密鑄造 塗裝/高輝度金屬塗裝 鏡面+陶瓷噴砂+緞面+雷射 其他/專用彈性橡膠配重塊(10g) The XXIO 12 Driver is remarkably lightweight and easy-to-use, offering a specialized suite of technologies that amplify performance for the moderate swing speed golfer. Exceptional look, sound, and feel, combined with unmatched attention to detail, make XXIO 12 an ultra-premium solution for enhanced distance, improved control, and altogether better golf. Features & Benefits: Harnessing Airflow for Better Contact By manipulating airflow—like the wings of an airplane—ActivWing improves aerodynamics at the start of your downswing to stabilize the clubhead and tighten your impact pattern. The subtle forces generated by the airfoil shape won’t slow you down, but they’re just strong enough to correct face angle and improve contact. Which, in turn, reduces slice and puts more shots directly on the sweet spot. Improving Distance with More Face Flex Rebound Frame technology imparts more speed and distance into your long shots. Inside XXIO 12 Drivers, four alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones enhance overall COR when activated at impact. Like a spring within a spring, concentric flex zones transfer energy to the golf ball far more efficiently than standard designs. Consistently Long Carry Thanks to remarkable lightness, larger sweet spots, and significant ball speed advancements, premium XXIO 12 Driver can lead to your best-ever shots off the tee box, deck, or second cut. All you need to do is swing naturally and watch the ball soar.
